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Op-Ed: International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day
By: Abdiaziz Ali Hussein On February 21 of every year, the world celebrates Mother Language Day. The idea of celebrating International Mother Language Day was the initiative of Bangladesh. It was approved at the 1999 UNESCO General Conference and has been observed throughout the world...

How Jeff Bezos thinks

Jeff Bezos
By William Cooper Jeff Bezos announced last week that he is stepping down as Amazon's CEO. He built Amazon from scratch. He also built Blue Origin – a pathbreaking spacecraft company – on the side. In the process, Bezos became the richest person of all time. How did he do it? The key...

International Day of Education: Protecting COVID-19 Steals the FULL FUTURE of Generations

International Day of Education
By: Abdiaziz Ali Hussein The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. The celebration of this day is coming this year while the world witnessed the very pandemic...

Op-Ed: Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict takes a huge rung into the deep Oceans

By: Abdiaziz Ali Hussein Somali saying goes: ‘’Dagaal Wiil baa Ku Dhinta ee Wiil kuma Dhasho’’ ‘’War Doesn't Give you a Child but only Takes One Away’’. Ethiopia's Tigray Conflict has never taken a huge step into the deep oceans like today as former key...

Beforehand planning: The new coronavirus strain

Djibouti reports 117 new COVID-19 cases, Somalia reports 34
By Abdihakim Mohamed In the past year, the world faced a catastrophic public health problem caused by the new deadly respiratory virus, Coronavirus, which originated from China late last year and spread rapidly across the globe. Even though political leaders of every country have been working...

Somaliland Budget Analysis 2021

Somaliland budget 2021
By: Bashir Mohamed Introduction Before I look Somaliland Fiscal Year Budget 2021 in detail, I must say a word or more about the definition of budget. A budget is a financial statement of estimated revenue and expenses based on future plans usually a year and goals...

Ending the Archaic Practice: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Photo: Najah Mawlid Hayir, A 2nd year Journalist Student who is advocating to end FGM on 16Days of Activism. Credit of the Picture: Shucayb Obsiye/Horn Cable TV
By: Abdiaziz Ali Hussein The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and girls - from Female Genital Mutilation, to Child Marriage, sexual...

Ethiopia: Educating Pastoralist Lives Worth Living

Ethiopia: Educating Pastoralist Lives Worth Living
By: Abdirizak Haybe Pastoralists live in areas often labelled as peripheral, remote, conflict-prone, food insecure and linked with high levels of vulnerability. Pastoral communities of Ethiopia occupy 61% of the total landmass and 97% of Ethiopian pastoralists found in low land areas of Somali, Afar,...

Op-Ed: Does separation of boys and girls in Somaliland schools help girls in the future?

Op-Ed: Does separation of boys and girls in Somaliland schools help girls in the future?
By: Guled Ahmed Hashi Since Somaliland re-asserted its independence from Somalia in 1991, the private school sector played an important role in education in Somaliland. In the early 90s and 2000s, Arabic based schools (Maca-hid) were the leading educational facilities in Somaliland whereby girls and...

In Memoriam and a Call to Action

Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh passed away in Jijiga
By: Warsame Ali Khalif Galaydh Earlier last month, Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh passed away in Jijiga, Ethiopia. For many Somalis, he was a methodical statesman, a brilliant orator, and a champion of Somali nationalism. He was Aabo for me, Milgo, Waleed, and Aisha. Growing up...