My Call to Action to the Global Leaders at COP26 and Next Steps in My Climate Activism

Kamaal Hassan Adnan
Kamaal Hassan Adnan

Press Release by Kamaal Hassan Adnan

In the last few days over 300 youth from all over the globe gathered in Milan, Italy for the first time in history to discuss the major challenge against humanity RIGHT NOW; Yes! of course, the climate crisis. This impressive conference was something amazing that really contributed a lot to the global discussions on the climate emergency, but overall coming together from all corners of the world was itself a solution, these young people brought different perspectives, ideas, challenges and solutions together, and more importantly, they combined voices to say no to beautiful speeches without strategic implementations and YES to fast actions no matter how small or big.

After that I want to sink deep in this, dear everyone, from the very first we want to understand that climate change is the result of human activities, scientifically speaking. It just started from the US, and we will undeniably pay the price of what we did wrong if we are not still ready to do it right. We are running out of time we need to take this seriously and apply Climate Adaptation and Mitigation policies in our countries, but this time from paper to action, from policy to implementation, from activism to factivism, from silence to showing up, from 2030 to NOW! Yes RIGHT NOW.

Kamaal Hassan Adnan
Kamaal Hassan Adnan

In this press release, I want to clarify that I had discovered a very huge gap in our world today, from the global north to the south, from the Caribbean to Scandinavian, from my region of East Africa and the entire world. We are not sitting at the same table while discussing the climate crisis, from Sustainability Education to Sustainable Recovery. This will not work out, despite the difference in problems, yet, we share the planet, we need to come back to the same table and shape our global problems as one and solve African problems as American problems and European challenges as a global challenge, the problems in my city of Borama to the problems of Berlin, we just need to combine and help shape the world. Yes! We need a bottom-up approach to solve this and solidarity is the key to combat climate change and its devastating consequences.

Dear global leaders, we are all watching your very beautiful speeches and emotional words on climate change-related topics; from ecosystem to biodiversity, blue economy, mitigation, adaptation and blah, blah, blah.

‘NO MORE BLAH, BLAH, BLAH’ -Greta Thunberg, as global climate activists we agree with this, no more words, its time to act, not only act but also fast.

I am from now on turning my activism to factivism, and science to research. I PLEDGE to speak up until it’s done! until global leaders make bold actions together, until my country decision-makers put climate change at the forefront of their agendas and not just discuss but implement it as immediately as possible, I PLEDGE to teach youth and young people about Sustainability, environmental protection and climate action! and dedicate lots of energy to this noble work.


Finally, as one of the delegates from the UN Pre-COP26 Conference in MILAN, ITALY. I would like to send this message to the global leaders who will be coming together in Glasgow, Scotland one month later.


“Dear Leaders and Global Decision-makers, I want to remind you all that the conference of parties is not like any other conference, it’s the future in your own hands, its the safety of nations, people, women and children in the small islands that are shrinking each and every day due to the rise of sea levels. Climate Change is the SILENT PANDEMIC the KILLER of our only PLANET, we need to think twice of how we are approaching this, how we are deciding about this and how we are taking action against it. We need to start tackling climate change NOW and NEVER later simply because we have no time”.

About the Author Kamaal Hassan Adnan

Sustainable Development Champion and Climate Action Activist, Blogger and Digital Influencer Working to Transform Social-consciousness on Topics About Peace, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Human Rights and Governance.






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