Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise Palestinian state

AA ARCHIVE Global support grows for recognising Palestine as an independent nation. / Photo: AA Archive
AA ARCHIVE Global support grows for recognising Palestine as an independent nation. / Photo: AA Archive


Three more European nations have decided to recognise the Palestinian state, which is facing Israel’s brutal war in Gaza, as an independent state.

Ireland, Norway and Spain made their announcement on Wednesday that Palestine will be treated as a self-determined and sovereign nation in the world.

The move is seen to generate momentum for further recognition and spur additional steps at the United Nations, potentially deepening Israel’s isolation.

Israel was enraged and rushed to condemn the Western states’ move, recalling its ambassadors to those nations.

Seven other European countries, including Sweden, have already recognised Palestinian statehood.

Many countries around the world and international bodies have hailed the trio for recognising the Palestinian state.

“Today, Ireland, Norway, and Spain are announcing that we recognise the state of Palestine”

Ireland Prime Minister Simon Harris announced his country’s decision to officially recognise the state of Palestine on May 22— TRT World (@trtworld) May 22, 2024


Slovenia has hailed the recognition of an independent Palestinian state by Norway, Spain and Ireland, but stopped short of immediately following suit.

Earlier in the year, Slovenia’s government launched a recognition procedure for a Palestinian state, but the small European Union nation has said the formal step will take place when it could best contribute to a lasting peace in the Middle East.

“The Slovenian government was the first of the group of countries that signed a special declaration … to start the process of recognising Palestine, in which we expressed expectations — not conditions — for both sides,” Prime Minister Robert Golob said in a statement.

He added that “Palestinians need more than just a symbolic gesture of recognition.”


Türkiye has said in a statement that the announcement “greatly pleased” Ankara and welcomed the decision.

“The recognition of Palestine is a requirement of international law, justice, and conscience. It is an extremely important step for the recovery of the usurped rights of the Palestinian people under occupation and for Palestine to achieve the status it deserves in the international community,” the foreign ministry stressed.

“As Türkiye, we will continue to strive for more countries to recognise Palestine,” it added.

Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Foreign Ministry hailed the announcements by the three European countries as “positive.”

Saudi Arabia “appreciates this decision…which confirms the international consensus on the inherent right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,” the ministry said in a statement.

The kingdom called on other countries, especially the permanent members of the UN Security Council, to “urgently” take a similar decision “to contribute to finding a reliable and irreversible path that achieves a just and lasting peace that meets the rights of the Palestinian people.”


Qatar’s Foreign Ministry has also welcomed the announcement as an “important step in support of a two-state solution”, expressing hope that other countries would follow suit.


Egypt said the recognition by the three countries will boost efforts aimed at creating a political horizon leading to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.


Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi also hailed the move as a “key step towards peace.”

“The radical Israeli government announced more illegal measures that kill all its prospects. We value the decision of our European partners and condemn Israel’s illegal measures,” he said on X.

PLO and Hamas

The Palestine Liberation Organisation and Palestinian resistance group Hamas have welcomed a decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain as a boost for their cause.

“We consider this an important step towards affirming our right to our land,” Hamas said in a statement, calling on “countries around the world to recognise our legitimate national rights”.

“We believe this will be a turning point in the international position on the Palestinian issue.”

The PLO on the other hand, seen internationally as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, hailed the decision as “historical”.

The moves were “historical mome nts in which the free world triumphs for truth and justice”, said Hussein al Sheikh, secretary general of the PLO executive committee, on social media platform X.


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) described the recognition of a Palestinian state by the three European countries as a “pivotal and strategic step toward achieving a two-state solution.”

Arab League

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit said the decisions put the three countries “on the right side of history in this [Palestinian-Israeli] conflict.”

He called on other countries worldwide to follow the three nations in “their courageous initial step.”


The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) applauded announcements from Spain, Norway, and Ireland.

“This important historic step is in line with international law and relevant United Nations legitimacy resolutions, and contributes to the affirmation of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, and enhances the status of the State of Palestine at the international scene,” the organisation said in a statement.


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