Op-Ed: How did the innocent people get killed in Da’awalley?

Da’awaley Massacre
Da’awaley Massacre

By: Mubarik Hassan Mohamed

The situation in Dacawallay has been unstable for a long time, and it was between two communities living together in the districts of Yoo’ale and Harshin, and these people killed each other many times, resulting in death and loss. The current situation started from the fields between the two districts, and the district of Yoale wanted to expand the land; it was rejected by the people of Harshin, who live in the Arab community, as they want to pass a long road that separates the Arab community from the community. Ogaden who live in the border region.

At the end of this year, the district of Yoo’alle started to expand its land. The district administration, first of all the district governor, has made a lot of efforts to demarcate the two families that share a common fence. The governments that preceded the current government complained several times in the Harshin district and went to the local level, but they could not do anything, and nothing was agreed upon. It’s gone.

The issue, while it was standing there and it was not resolved, made the family from the Yoalle community in Ogaden come down to the Arab community zone in the Dawallayu area, which is 12 km away. . The conversation between the two families, arguments and friction, the situation was separated. Finally, it was decided to demarcate the families again. The Ogaden community proposed to move 3 kilometers back to the Arab community. 

When the matter was resolved, one of the Ogaden community came down to the Arab community, and there was a commotion. Ahmed Abdilahi, the security leader of the Yoaleh district, came and wanted to continue this matter from there, and the people did not want to do it. He resolved the issue by siding with his family, trying to favor his family. After an uproar, the leader, who was a loud and arrogant man, gathered at the place where the family was brought down. The leader had a fight, then he opened fire on the people, and the leader was killed there; his army injured two people, and then the damage was done. 

A ten-year-old boy, who was the first bullet hit by the leader, was taken to Jigjiga, where the doctor Rifralaaka was placed handcuffed to the bed where he was injured. Your little boy is a victim of his government, and his clothes are still shackled. That’s how the dressing was carried.

 After that, when the situation happened like that, the two Ogaden and Arab families were called and were being discussed in the Araarso district. The other Ogaden community did not participate, and they wanted to expand the land. and the president’s office went together with all the Arab leaders and met with the president, Mustafa Cagjar. The meeting is over; every farm and the road will be improved. Let it be passed from the mouth and the farm. The Arab community has decided to solve this issue.

After that, what happened was that they wanted to end the peace in that place; men driving tractors came from the area, and they started to cut the road, and the Arab community did not know that they were not told that they were going to carry out the action taken together. They informed them that the tractor should be stopped; they were refused, and they were ordered to stay there. It was stopped when it was not taken into account, and what was known to each other disappeared from there. In the afternoon, the fighting was stopped, and the Liuuga army that was driving the tractor stopped.

In the night, an army from the area called Liyu came to Da,awaley and told the local people to stop the war and keep peace. Those people slept peacefully at night. In the morning, the people of the area called for a fierce battle with the Liyu Police. All the innocent people living in the Dakawaley area were killed. Deaths and injuries occurred there. All the people of the Isaac community came to Da,aawaley and Laanqairta and wanted peace, so the people wanted peace.

There were losses on all sides: dead and wounded, prisoners, and plunder. While they are sitting in front of each other, the leaders, the rulers, the peacemakers, and the ministers of the Isaqi community have come from all sides so that the issue does not go further than this and the situation is brought to peace. After the peace agreement, the Arab community was persuaded to stop the war and accept peace from their elders and ministers in the area; they accepted. The people who fled the area where the gunfire exploded were called to return to their homes. Every man returned to his family and his farm. The day after the introduction of the peace on the 25th of this month, the people, the peacekeepers, and the traditional tyrants were attacked in an ambush; the Morning Prayer was confused with the elders. The people of the village were taken into custody and have now returned. The culture was humiliated, and they were left with actions they did not commit. Half ran, half caught, half closed. These elders are being threatened that they are Al Shaba; it is now a tradition. They filmed him treating him like that. Their cars were looted. The local army was attacked. The people felt blood in their ears. They burned the houses. They killed the women. They burned the animals. They killed the children. After that, they took half of the dead women and men, including the chief of the community. They closed it. There was a riot, and people were massacred by the government.

The army is acting like that in those areas that they started to relocate today, their people were in awe and woe when they saw a war with the enemy and disrupting the security of the area. Livestock and property are not miserly. The people who were seen as such at once turned the enemy into his own people,he killed his people.

About the Author

Mubarik Hassan Mohamed., based in Hargeisa, Somaliland, a university student who recently completed a first undergraduate degree in the field of Humanitarian Studies.

Email:  mubarikhassan143@gmail.com 

X formerly twitter @Mubaarikha77802

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