By: Mohammed Dhaysane, Horndiplom Correspondent in Mogadishu
Senator Ilyas Ali Hassan National resources, transportation and infrastructure committee of Somalia upper house Chamber director criticized Somalia’s president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo speculation plan to go to Hargeisa.
Ilyas, who talks to Voice of America (VOA) said that there is no clear political agenda for Somali president Farmajo’s plan visit to Hargeisa.
” It will be good for the president to go to Hargeisa and it’s a good step forward for Reconciliation between Somalia and Somaliland, but what we have seen so far is that there is no any clear agenda and the irony is, all these issues didn’t come from the Farmaajo and Somaliland either”, Senator Ilyas Ali Hassan said in an interview with Voice of America.
It’s said the Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed is visiting Hargeisa with Farmaajo, so it’s pretty clear that the real visitor is Abiy, not Farmaajo, Ilyas added.
Himilo Qaran opposition Party foreign affairs secretary, Ilyas Ali Hassan, who is Turkey told Horndiplomat over an interview with the phone that Since Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo took office in earlier 2017, he has done so many bad things regarding Reconciliation process between Somalia and Somaliland.
” I believe, the president is not loyal towards this issue and he didn’t even give a full apology for the atrocities that the former military regime had done to the Somaliland people,” he said.
According to local media reporting that Somaliland wrote an official letter to the Ethiopian government, rejecting Somali president plan visit to Hargeisa.
Earlier on Sunday, the speaker of Somaliland’s house elders declared that Farmajo will not be welcoming in Hargeisa but if comes they will not be going to recognize as a president.