By: Hassan Jama, Horndiplomat political editor
Somali state President Mr.Mustafe Muhummed Omar and Oromia regional Deputy Chief of Administrator Mr.Shinmelis Abdisa have visited development projects in Degehabur, Shimelis was presented with a gift of Camel from President Mustafa.
The two regional states held a consultative forum in Jigjiga yesterday with a view to strengthening the relations between people of the two states.
More than 750 representatives from both sides attended the forum.
Update: On the 2nd day of people-to-people conference which started in #Jigjiga, capital of #Somali region, y'day, #Oromia region vice pres.@ShimelisAbdisa & the delegation from Oromia visited dev't projects in #Degehabur. Shimelis was presented with a gift of #Camel from Mustefa pic.twitter.com/hZP6M8oV6r
— Addis Standard (@addisstandard) August 5, 2019
This is Kebribeyah, the 5th largest city in the Somali Regional State, located 55km east of Jigjiga, and a host to the largest refugee camp in the Ethiopia. pic.twitter.com/HDItsihYXk
— Awol Allo (@awolallo) August 5, 2019