By: MohamadDuale
Horndiplomat- Somalia to appoint Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi, a Somali citizen as the next central bank governor of Somalia.
Abdullahi has financial management and banking experience. For the last 2 years he worked as a senior economic policy adviser to the office of the Prime minister and federal Government of Somalia.
According to VOA Senior Journalist Harun Maruf, The Somali cabinet has reportedly approved the appointment of Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi as the next central bank governor. Abdullahi is said to have been a key player in the ongoing financial reforms and the 30% internal revenue increase reported by the government last year.
On january 15, Somali MPs approved an amendment allowing foreign nationals to serve as central bank governor. Media reports named Briton Nigel Roberts as possible choice but I hear some candidates only committed to spending 50% of their time in Mogadishu which forced Government to go local.
About New Governor
Abdirahman Mohamed Abdulahi is resourceful professional with broad expereince in financial management and banking .He started his career as revunue collection officer at the Ministry of Finance in Somalia in 1986 . for the most part of his adult life Abdirahman has workedin Norway, UK, Yemen and Horn of Africa, where he acquired over 20 years of extensive working experience in both government and private sector including senior management roles in the financial sector.
Abdirahman holds Masters degree in Finance and International Banking(MSC) from Liverpool John Moores University (JMU) in England and Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Norwegian University if Technology and Science (NTNU).