Poor rains, persisting drought deepens crisis in Somalia and Somaliland Photo Via OXFAM
HARGEISA, 20 March – sporadic, below average rains and persistent drought since 2016 sees an estimated 1.7 million people in critical need ofhumanitarian assistance in Somaliland, a figure ballooning by hundreds ofthousands in recent months.
Communal water resources are drying up at an alarming rate, forcingcommunities to truck in water that they can’t afford, and triggering appeals by Somaliland and Puntland authorities.
“The warning signs are all negative. Famine was averted in 2016 because ofa rapid, large-scale response. Resources and action must again beforthcoming, prioritised for women and children, who are the most vulnerable,” explains Amjad Ali, Oxfam’s Country Director in Somalia and Somaliland.
Below average rainfall in late 2018 provided scant relief, as most communities remain unable to rebuild livestock herds to utilise the very limited new pasture.Vulnerabilities were further exacerbated by the devastation of Cyclone Sagar in mid-2018 that killed an estimated 80% of livestock in affected areas and decimated the few agricultural crops Somaliland grows.
Coastal areas, Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag are the regions hardest hit.Through an existing response in these regions, Oxfam has been closelymonitoring the situation, deciding it is now time to raise the alarm.
“The decision to declare an emerging crisis is not taken lightly, as we are wary of donor fatigue, but the situation is bleak. As existing humanitarian support was scheduled to scale down, we are seeing a humanitarian cliff before our eyes. We must not walk blindly over the edge,” said Ali.
Water and food availability are not the only concerns, as fears are growing of communicable diseases spreading due to deteriorating water quality, where weary communities have little resilience for cholera and other outbreaks that can quickly become a death warrant.
Across Somaliland and Somalia, an estimated 4.9 million people are foodinsecure and 2.6 million internally displaced, of a population estimated at 14-15 million. The 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan is only 6.4% funded,leaving a gaping hole. Resources are urgently needed to avert catastrophe.
In 2018, Oxfam reached over 375,000 people with humanitarian assistance in Sool, Sanaag, Toghdeer, Awdal and Nugal, regions at the centre of theemerging crisis. This included rehabilitation of water points, emergency water trucking, latrine construction and multi-purpose cash grants. Oxfam’sresponse continues today, but is unable to meet the rapidly growing needs.