UK Secretary of State for Defence first visit to Somaliland

UK Secretary of State for Defence Arrives in Somaliland

Horndiplomat-UK Secretary of State for Defence Gavin Williamson Arrives in Somaliland-Horndiplomat reports

The Somaliland president Muse Bihi Abdi receives in his office UK Secretary of State for Defence Gavin Williamson.Horndiplomat

The two sides discussed issues related to strengthening Somaliland-UK bilateral and Historical relationship.

The meeting accompanied by the president Foreign Minister Yasin Mohamoud Hiir, Defence minister Isse Ahmed Yusuf and Somaliland representatives to UK Ayan Mohamoud Ashour.

During his visit, the UK Secretary of Defense met his Counterpart Isse Ahmed Yusuf, Chief of Army general Nouh Ismail Tani, Foreign Minister Yasin Mohamoud Hiir Aka Faratoon and reaffirmed UK’s commitment to support Somaliland security, democracy and economy. It’s the first time a UK Secretary of Defence visits Somaliland.

Somaliland and United Kingdom have strong and longstanding strategic bilateral-relation which is exemplary growing significantly year after the other.

This is a developing story, Please check back at the Horndiplomat for Updates.

By:Mohamed Duale, Editor-in-Chief, Horn Diplomat

© Horn Diplomat 2019

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