Representatives of the European Union European External Action Service visited the Mission and its main Somali interlocutors from 3-11 December 2018.
The EU delegates from the Civilian Conduct and Planning Capability (CPCC) and the Crisis Management and Planning Directorate (CMPD) whose responsibilities in Brussels include planning and advising functions in relation to the work of civilian CSDP Missions such as EUCAP Somalia, called in the Mogadishu HQ, the Hargeisa field office and the Nairobi support office.
EUCAP Somalia’s advisors briefed the CPCC/CMPD delegates, Simone Barenghi and Viktorija Budreckaite, on the respective activities and accompanied the delegation visiting their Somali colleagues.
Meeting and visits to interlocutors included:
Attending a hand-over ceremony of three boats donated by Sweden to the Somaliland Coast Guard on 2 December in Berbera (Somaliland), facilitated by the Mission, and meetings with Somaliland authorities (3-5 December).
In Mogadishu (5-8 December) a visit to the Mogadishu Port and the Somali Police Forces Maritime Police Unit, meetings with the Somali Police Forces Deputy Police Commissioner, with the Somali INTERPOL National Central Bureau, meetings with representatives with the Somali Ministry of Justice, AMISOM and the UNSOM.
In the Somali capital, the CPCC and CMPD delegation also held joint meetings and working sessions with the whole EU Family entities deployed in Somalia (EUCAP Somalia, EUTM Somalia, EUNAVFOR Atalanta and the EU Delegation to Somalia).
In Nairobi on 10 December the Delegation held working sessions with Mission personnel of the support office and meetings with Nairobi-based EU interlocutors.According to EUCAP Som