Horndiplomat-Somaliland Government declares new droughts in several regions affecting 1.7 million people, many need emergency assistance. Authorities cite low rainfall for recurring droughts.Horndiplomat Reports
The chairman saidย 1,755,000 people affected by the drought currently in Somaliland.
The chairman of the Disaster Preparedness and Food Storage agency, Faisal Ali Sheikh Says “The agency of Disaster Preparedness and Food Storage, officially declared new droughts in affecting 1.7 million people in all regions of Somaliland, ”
Faisal also notes that the drought has affected 47% of the population in Somaliland.
on the other hand, the chairman of Disaster Preparedness and Food Storage Agence calls on international aid agencies, businessmen and Somaliland government to help that people’s affected new Droughts.
He also said: “There are many internally displaced people in Somaliland, some of which have been displaced by the drought.”Said Faisal Ali Sheikh
By.Mohamed Duale Chief Editor, Tweets @MohamadDuale