Horndiplomat-The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and international Relationship Mr.Liban Yusuf Osman and Somaliland Minister of Education and scienceย Mr.Yasin Mohamoudย Xiir Receives with two different delegations from USA and Sudan. The Sudanese delegation consist of an ex-Foreign Minister and the American delegation consisted of investors. The delegation showed sympathy for the cause of self-determination of Somaliland.
The government of Somaliland is keen to cooperate with the Sudanese government to develop education and water projects. The government of Somaliland appreciates the enthusiasm of the newly formed relations between Somaliland and Sudan, referred to support being extended by Sudan to Somaliland in the field of education, especially the admission of the Somaliland students in the Sudanese universities.
The Vice Minister expressed concern in the drought which is a reoccurring phenomenon. Many Somalilanders suffered a drastic decrease in their livestock. The Somaliland government is trying its hardest to tackle the drought regardless of having insufficient funds.
By: Mohamed Duale Chief Editor of Horndiplomat tweetsย @MohamadDuale
Source: HORNDIPLMAT & Foreign Ministry of Somaliland