Somaliland: National libraries between Somaliland and Czech republic agree on cooperation

National libraries between Somaliland and Czech republic agree on cooperation
By:Mo Duale Horndiplomat correspondent in Somaliland
Horndiplomat-the somaliland national library project has begunย  to develop a national library service for somaliland to improve educational standards and act as a stimulus for cultural heritage in the country. The project proposes a national library, regional libraries and a book donation scheme to establish school libraries. Both individual and institutional partners are sought and the finnish library association has become the first institutional partner.
The somaliland’s national Founder Mr. Ahmed dahir last ย month visited to czech republic that agree on bilateral cooperation for both somaliland and czech national libraries and also met high rank officers of Czech government.
Mr.ย  Elmi arranged several meetings within governmental structures in the czech republic: meets with czech director of the foreign affairs department of the office of the president (who led the czech delegation to somaliland 4th โ€“ 9thfebruary, 2017); mr. Kmonicek, and also met mr. Jancarek, director of the subsaharian africa department at the ministry of foreign affairs; mrs. Volna, deputy director of the development cooperation and humanitarian aid department at the ministry of foreign affairs and mr. Banovec, director of the international cooperation department at the ministry of education, youth and sports.
Somaliland National LIbrary
The somaliland’s national library founder his way managed to establish a fruitful collaboration between the somaliland national library and the national library of the czech republic and also the municipal library in prague. As there is lack of qualified librarians in somaliland, the above mentioned czech libraries agreed to provide the somaliland national library with a training program arranged for 2 staff for a period of 1 month. This help was very much appreciated by mr. Ahmed dahir elmi, somaliland national library director.
The visit of ahmed elmi to ย czech republic was very successful as concrete steps were taken in order to establish the librarian collaboration between somaliland and the czech republic.
This bilateral cooperation also a further enhance the collaboration, strengthen the ties and flourish the relationship between the two nations.


Meanwhileย Last month A high powered delegation from Prague is in Hargeisa the first ever to Somaliland by the Central European nation.
The delegation composed of senior Czech Republic officials, business and humanitarian organizations leaders is in the country to establish diplomatic and trade relations.
ย ITV’s International Affairs Editorย Rageh Omaarย report for Somaliland National Library

look below more photos about Ahmed’s Visit toย Prague

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