Saudi Women File First-ever Petition To End Male Guardianship of Women

DAILY LIFE Saudi Women File First-ever Petition To End Male Guardianship of Women
We are all aware of the Saudi Arabiaโ€™s strict laws. It has some of the worldโ€™s tightest restrictions on women, and is the only country where they are not allowed to drive. There is also a law where women cannot independently travel, marry, rent a flat or do medical procedures without a male guardian.
To end this oppressive law, thousands of Saudis have signed an online petition sent to the kingdom government which prevents women from engaging in lifeโ€™s tasks without the permission of a male guardian โ€“ typically the womanโ€™s father, brother or husband.
The petition calls for the kingdomโ€™s women to be treated โ€œas a full citizen, and decide an age where she will be an adult and will be responsible for her own actsโ€, said campaigner Aziza Al- Yousef of Riyadh.
โ€œThis is not only a womenโ€™s issue, this is also putting pressure on normal men โ€ฆ this is not an issue for women only,โ€she told the Guardian.
This movement started after Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a blistering report on the system.The report gave birth to a hashtag #IAmMyOwnGuardian, which spread awareness on the issue & gained support among women of all ages and backgrounds.

An amazing campaign to show solidarity with the women of Saudi Arabia #IAmMyOwnGuardian#Empowered ?โ€” Linden Staub (@LindenStaub) October 24, 2016

Even the reputed male of the country have come forward to support & end this oppressive law. The law is a governmental law & does not have a conflict with Islam so should be ended soon.


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