Somaliland:The Funeral Service of the Late British Veteran in Hargeisa


Horndiplomat-A young teen British Soldier in1943 in Somali British Protectorate, Veteran Diplomat, writer and Somaliland citizen of British origin Mr. Cabas Idriss formerly known as John Drysdale who passed away Saturday 9 July, 2016 will be buried in Hargeisa today. Horn Diplomat Reports
The funeral of late Mr. Cabas will be attended by officials from the government, members of the Opposition Parties, members of his relatives and other distinguished guests. The deceased who came into Somaliland in 1943 as young British Soldier held significant Posts from army officer to President’s Special Consultant. He was great friend to Somali Speaking Peoples, and in particular to the Somaliland people.
He loved the Somali culture and spoke the Somali language perfectly. He wrote a number of brilliant books about the Somali socio and political culture. In Somaliland, he used to run an NGO known as ‘Cadastral Survey’ that delegated to the demarcation of the agriculture Farms in Gabiley and Dilla regions in the west of Somaliland. The NGO which was funded by UNDP also implemented town planning and mapping projects in Somaliland.

The burial ceremony venue was attended by senior government of officials of Somaliland Led by The president of the country Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Silanyo) , members of the cabinet of the Ministers, and the different sectors of the society. Its Also The Burried Ceremony Attended High Level Delegation From Britain, led By British Deputy Ambassador in Ethiopia Ms.Cath Evans.

The entire participants sent their condolence messages to the families, the relatives, the Britain and Somaliland citizens.

What is more interesting in the story of the late Mr. Cabas Indiris is that he converted to Islam at the last years of his life.


The Late British Veteran Historic Photos


The Burrial Ceremony Photos for the Late British/Somaliland Citizen Mr.Cabas Idriss formerly known as John Drysdale

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